We Could Have Saved Their Lives: More Mothers and Babies at Risk!
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Hand in Hand for Aid and Development

Raising funds for Hand in Hand for Aid and Development

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Embedded within the "For Mama" movement, launches a critical mission against the backdrop of staggering statistics: every two minutes, a woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, with the World Health Organization reporting that a woman living in a low-income country is over 100 times more likely to die during childbirth than her counterpart in a high-income country. These preventable losses, which predominantly strike the most vulnerable women in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and areas suffering from humanitarian crises, highlight a dire global maternal health crisis.

Spearheaded by faith-inspired philanthropies and donors from the U.S. and U.K., this campaign is a clarion call for action, aiming to bridge the gap in maternal care by ensuring every expectant mother has access to a skilled health professional and advocating for systemic healthcare improvements.

With nearly 94% of all maternal deaths occurring in low and lower middle-income countries and a glaring global shortage of nearly 1 million midwives, the urgency to act is now. By joining forces, we can extend life-saving interventions and education to those in dire need, embodying the campaign's commitment to safeguarding mothers, the irreplaceable foundation of every community.

This campaign not only seeks to illuminate these challenges but also to mobilise resources and support to forge a future where no mother dies giving life. We invite donors to contribute to this noble cause, helping us turn the tide against maternal mortality and ensuring mothers worldwide have the chance to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Join us in this vital mission—for every mother, every family, every community. Your support will save lives.

Empower Moms: Global Giving for Motherhood
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